CAMKORY DC403 Full Specifications and Review

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In today’s digital age, where every moment is captured and cherished, the significance of a reliable digital camera cannot be overstated. With the CAMKORY DC403 Digital Camera, the power to seize life’s precious moments lies at your fingertips. In this comprehensive review, we delve into the specifications, features, and performance of this compact marvel, unraveling its potential as a companion for your photographic endeavors.

CAMKORY DC403 Full Specifications

Maximum Webcam Image Resolution44 MP
Maximum Shutter Speed1/2650 seconds
Minimum Shutter Speed1/10 seconds
Form FactorCompact
Effective Still Resolution44 MP
Optical Zoom16x
Screen Size2.5 Inches
Item Weight0.24 Kilograms

Design and Build Quality

The CAMKORY DC403 Digital Camera boasts a sleek and compact form factor, making it portable and convenient for on-the-go photography. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, its black exterior exudes elegance and sophistication. Weighing just 0.24 kilograms, it is light enough to carry around effortlessly, ensuring that you never miss a shot.


Image Resolution

Equipped with a maximum webcam image resolution of 44 MP, the CAMKORY DC403 delivers stunning clarity and detail in every image. Whether you’re capturing scenic landscapes or intimate portraits, this camera excels in preserving the essence of the moment with unparalleled precision and fidelity.

Shutter Speed

The camera offers remarkable versatility in shutter speed, with a maximum shutter speed of 1/2650 seconds and a minimum shutter speed of 1/10 seconds. This flexibility empowers you to adapt to varying lighting conditions and capture fast-paced action with exceptional clarity and sharpness.

Optical Zoom

With a powerful 16x optical zoom, the CAMKORY DC403 allows you to zoom in on distant subjects without compromising on image quality. Whether you’re shooting wildlife or sporting events, this feature enables you to bring your subjects closer, ensuring that no detail goes unnoticed.


The camera features a vibrant 2.5-inch screen that provides a clear and immersive viewing experience. Whether you’re framing your shots or reviewing captured images, the bright and crisp display ensures optimal visibility and ease of use, even in bright outdoor conditions.


Powered by advanced imaging technology, the CAMKORY DC403 delivers exceptional performance across a wide range of shooting scenarios. Whether you’re capturing stills or recording videos, its robust performance ensures consistent results with every click.

In summary

The CAMKORY DC403 Digital Camera emerges as a formidable contender in the realm of digital imaging, combining advanced features, exceptional performance, and portability in a sleek and compact package. Whether you’re a professional photographer or an amateur enthusiast, this camera promises to elevate your photography experience to new heights. With its impressive specifications and intuitive design, it stands as a testament to CAMKORY’s commitment to innovation and excellence in the field of digital imaging.

Unlock the power of visual storytelling with the CAMKORY DC403 Digital Camera and embark on a journey of creativity and expression like never before. Capture life’s fleeting moments with clarity, precision, and passion, and immortalize them in stunning detail for generations to come.

How to buy CAMKORY DC403

The CAMKORY DC403 boasts a maximum webcam image resolution of 44 MP, ensuring exceptional clarity and detail in every shot.

This camera features a powerful 16x optical zoom, allowing you to capture distant subjects with precision and clarity.

With a minimum shutter speed of 1/10 seconds and advanced imaging technology, the DC403 excels in low-light environments, delivering impressive results even in challenging lighting conditions.

While designed with amateur enthusiasts in mind, the DC403 offers advanced features and performance that cater to the needs of both amateur and professional photographers alike.

The DC403 boasts a compact form factor, making it portable and convenient for on-the-go photography adventures.

Yes, the camera is equipped with a vibrant 2.5-inch display screen, providing clear and immersive viewing for framing shots and reviewing captured images.

The DC403 weighs just 0.24 kilograms, making it lightweight and easy to carry around for extended periods without fatigue.

The CAMKORY DC403 is available in sleek and elegant black, exuding sophistication and style.

Yes, with its maximum webcam image resolution of 44 MP, the DC403 can be utilized as a high-quality webcam for video conferencing and live streaming purposes.

The camera typically comes with essential accessories such as a rechargeable battery, charger, wrist strap, and user manual. Additional accessories may vary depending on the retailer or bundle.

While the DC403 is not inherently waterproof or weather-sealed, it is advisable to handle it with care and avoid exposure to extreme weather conditions to ensure its longevity and performance.

Yes, the DC403 is capable of recording high-quality videos, allowing you to capture moments in motion with clarity and precision.

The warranty period for the DC403 may vary depending on the region and retailer. It is recommended to refer to the warranty documentation provided with the camera for specific details.

While the DC403 is not designed for extensive compatibility with external lenses, it may support certain accessories such as lens adapters or filters, depending on the model and specifications.

Firmware updates for the DC403 can typically be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website and installed following the instructions provided in the firmware update documentation.

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